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This is Just the Beginning
Feb 21

The Place: Little Rock, Arkansas
The Year: 2009
The Happen: we hit an overall low place in all areas of life.

Our marriage was at a breaking point, and our individual lives were an utter mess. Many things were occurring, from stepping back from church to eyeing attention from other people. We had significant arguments; there was staying out all night and suffering from addiction. Our future looked very bleak. We were in the battle of our lives, and one night, all we could do was pray.

From Roslyn: I had prayed and cried my heart out to God on several occasions, and that is the only thing I could think to do. "God, where are you? Are You listening to me?" I heard the Holy Spirit so clearly that night. He said, "Be Still." I thought about that "Be Still" and all that I had been going through. I said, "Ok God, I will be still." I had no clue what God was saying; I thought He meant to be quiet. I later found out it told me to Let Go and Let Him fix my marriage and life. 
Be still and know that I am God. 

The original Hebrew root of Be still doesn't mean "be quiet"; it means "let  go." That's very different, don't you think? Let go and know that I am God! Let go of trying to control your spouse! Let go of your worry about your finances! Let go of your unforgiveness! Let go of your past! Let go of what you can't control and rest in the knowledge that God is in control! 

That cry to the Lord that night started a whirlwind of blessings that only He could have made possible. 


The Unbreakable Bond of Letting Go and Letting God do what He does is an incredible experience to live. God restored our beautiful unity, freed us from the battle of addiction, our family is together, and gave us a completely fresh start in another state. 

We are blessed beyond measure, and the love that we feel for one another is unbreakable. God allowed us to go through what we went through to prepare us for our future. Our story is our testimony. Our testimony is an example of what God's grace looks like, and we are so blessed that God chose us. 

We were blessed to stand before God, our family, and friends to renew our wedding vow for our 15th Anniversary on September 5, 2020. 

"Life doesn't get better by chance; it gets better by change!! 
We fought, we prayed, and we made it!!! 

The Beginning of the Saved by Grace Boutique

The Boutique Grace has brought us a mighty long way. God's grace saved our marriage and lives, so it only seemed fitting to name our boutique Saved By Grace. 

What sets us apart from any other boutique is our story. Our brand was being built right before our eyes, and we didn't see it until God fully restored our marriage. Our apparel is based on our lives and the various events that have taken place in them. We are not only creating apparel for married couples; we are creating for all those who can relate and know that without a doubt, they were saved by God's Grace at some point in their life. 

To that point, we are here for the young, old, and everyone in between. We all have a story, so let's start sharing it. We are grateful to help heal others, be bold statement-makers for God and share our brand with the world. We are here to let our light shine for His Glory!Â